Dimenstion of BOB-12941


i’m looking for the exact dimensions of SparkFun SD/MMC Card Breakout BOB-12941.

can you provide 3D model, drawing or layout (.brd) file? the .brd file from gitub is corrupted…



Hi Lior,

Thanks for letting us know about those broken links! They should be fixed today or tomorrow at the latest. To download those files, you can either download the [GitHub Repository and extract the Eagle files from that download or you can enter the link for the Eagle files on the product page and that will automatically download them. Here is a direct link to the [Eagle Files Download from that page.

There are not measures pre-populated in those files but you can use the Measure Tool in Eagle to get whatever measurements you need for the PCB. Unfortunately, we do not have any 3D models available for this breakout.

I hope this helps you get the dimensions you need for this SD MMC Breakout.](https://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/BreakoutBoards/SD_MMC Breakout-v20a.zip)](GitHub - sparkfun/SD-MMC_Breakout at v21)