DIY arduino


today I just got my yearly sparkfun order (seems to be a tradition, january = 1 order from sparkfun!)

I received my parts:

-1 random DEV board

-1 random SEN board


The DEVeloper board was a Nike+Ipod serial board. I didn’t need this because I don’t even have a Nike. But I noticed it had a FTDI usb to Serial chip. I also got an ATmega168, I though my arduino had the ATmega8, and the 168 would be an upgrade. I was wrong. (it had the 168 areally)

So i decided to build my own arduino from scratch.

I unsoldered the ipod connector (maybe gonna use to mod my itrip?)

I soldered some male headers to the TX/RX/GND/VCC, then noticed the vcc was only 3.3v. Knowing the usb does 5v, i scratched the circuit on the PCB to cut the 3.3v from the vcc pin, then soldered a wire from the 5v pin from the USB socket to the Vcc pin.

Took me a bit of time, the headers were a bit tricky to get in there, but it went really good.

Here are some pictures I’d like to share:

Bottom of the board:

headers soldered, ipod connector removed:

My work for today is done:

I was planing getting some Female headers, but making an order on sparkfun for only that might ruin me (shipping to Canada)

I am receiving some prototyping board soon, witch should help me a bit.

I’d like to make this some kind of universal Arduino, that would work with most Atmel chips.

I unsoldered a Atmel 222 8-pin chip from a Ethernet card. Could this work with the Arduino program? or is there any alternative program that I could use that isn’t too much hard to setup , or, comes with comprehensive instructions?
