Does MAX30105 need to be reinitialized if I turn off the qwiic power bus?

Hi, I’m using this particle sensor in a project. The sketch does some setup of the board in setup(), namely this:

particleSensor.setup(ledBrightness, sampleAverage, ledMode, sampleRate, pulseWidth, adcRange);

then puts the Thing Plus to sleep for 2 minutes before waking up and taking a reading in loop(). Just before putting the board to sleep I turn off the power to the qwiic bus.

Does this sensor need to have the above setup() method called every time qwiic power is restored to it, or does it remember those settings after power loss? And, whichever way it is, is that standard behavior for most qwiic enabled boards or does it vary from product to product?


It can vary by product/implementation/code; I would advise to just try testing it both ways to determine for certain…feel free to post the results here in case anyone else might find the info useful :smiley: