can interrupt be sent over Qwiic?

Is it possible to put a Thing Plus asleep and then have a sensor send an interrupt signal on the Qwiic bus to awaken the Thing?

I have one of these [particle sensors and the Qwiic bus appears to stay powered when the Thing is asleep (the LED on the sensor stays lit). So is it possible for a sketch to tell the sensor that it should send a wakeup signal on the Qwiic bus when it has a sensor reading above a threshold value? Or do I have to solder from the Int pin on the sensor board to a GPIO on the Thing?



I don’t believe so, as our docs explain (toward the bottom of the page) that generally we’ll break out a separate INT pin for such a purpose

That being said, I’m not absolutely certain that it is impossible…perhaps someone with more direct experience in this can chime in

Interrupts are usually something that need immediate attention, usually without intervention on the host to read. You might be able to check a flag via qwiic to see if an Interrupt has occurred but it’s probably going to be too late to be useful. You’re much better off running a separate Interrupt wire and connecting that to a Interrupt pin on your host.

The idea behind Interrupts is the host processor drops whatever it’s doing and takes care of the Interrupt code. Once that has run, the host processor goes back to what it was doing.