SparkFun Thing Plus Artmeis w/ BMP581 sensor

Hey all, I’m brand new to electronics, I’m more of a software guy. I am going through “Example3_Interrupts” from the SparkFun BMP581 Arduino Library … o-examples. My issue is that the interrupts are not working. The example sets the interrupt pin to 2, and the thing plus page says that all 21 pins are interrupt capable. I was just wondering if anyone knows how I can debug this or where I can look for more information on how to solve this?


I’m only using the QWIIC connector. To use interrupts, do I have to solder the INT pin of the sensor to a pin on the board? Is interrupt enabled through the QWIIC cable?

To use interrups you need to solder a wire to the INT pin on the board and connect that to an interrupt capable pin on your controller.

Ah okay, I was hoping interrupts were somehow enabled with qwiic, but that makes sense. Thanks! Now it’s time to find some soldering gear.