ds1307 with lpc-p2148

Hello! How can I connect the DS1307 with lpc-p2148?

Where can I find the codes? (Use Eclipse!)


DS1307 is a 5V device. You would be better off finding a 3.3V RTC. I’ve used the M41T60, but not with an LPC.

huh? Arms have built in RTC.


thats a 2103, but they are similar up the LPC line. Read the datasheet.

Anyway, use a non-inverting hex buffer chip for 5v-3.3v converting. (is there a 3.3v ver of the 1307??) Is the 1307 a SPI or I2C interface? You probably have better luck looking at some pic C code or Arduino C++ code. But basically you can read the data sheet, it will tell you the cmds to send to set the clock and alarms.