I am part of a small team of 7 people creating a robot. We have previously used the Dual TB6612FNG (1A) on other robots but always powered by arudino, however, as the task requires ML we have switched to a Jetson nano running ROS. We’re not sure how to set up the motor driver. Could you guys shed some light?
Thanks in advance!
I don’t have a guide for using this board on a Jetson, but I can give you some advice on using it with any micro controller or SBC.
- The A01 and A02 pins are outputs for motor A.
- The B01 and B02 pins are outputs for motor B.
- VM is the power input for your motors.
- VCC is the power input for the breakout board and should be 3.3 or 5 volts.
- GND is ground for both power sources.
On the other side of the board:
- STBY is a switch input that can enable or disable both motors. Pull it high to enable the motors and low to disable them.
- PWMA and PWMB allow you to control the speed on either motor A or motor B by applying a PWM signal. If you're OK with the motors only running at full speed, you can just keep those pulled high.
- AI1/AI2 & BI1/BI2 are pulled high or low to select which direction the motors go, or to brake the motor or let it coast. By setting these high or low in the appropriate combination you can change the direction of the motors. The table below shows the options for those and what they do. You can find a larger version and a more detailed explanation on how the board works in our [[hookup guide](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/tb6612fng-hookup-guide#board-overview). [/list]