Eagle Board Wont Autoroute

Hi all. I have designed a schematic on eagle but when I try to autoroute the board I get an error message saying “some objects extend outside the allowed board area” even though everything seems in order. This is my first time using eagle so Im not sure how to solve this problem. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

It has been a while since I used Eagle, but I’ll take a stab.

If I remember correctly, the various versions of Eagle have board size limitations. Make sure your board conforms to the size contraints of the version of Eagle you’re using. Seems like the free version was 4"x6".

As for autorouting, in order to get autorouters to do even a half way a decent job you usually have to enter a LOT of constraint information. You’re usually better off just hand routing the board.


Correction, the free version of eagle is limited to 100mm x 80mm, roughly 4"x3" …also, one schematic sheet and 2 signal layers.

Eagle has some tutorials posted at the followign link. There is a section on auto routing…

http://www.cadsoftusa.com/training/tuto … anguage=en

Thanks for all your help.