Eagle CAD issue, no white color

Hi, I would like to assign to the layer 21 the white color but I cant, there is no white.

Do you know how to fix that?

I have MacOS

In EAGLE, the colour scheme you are using will determine what colours will be available for your layers.

Effects can be seen if you use the EAGLE Control Panel, under “Options” > “User interface…” and setting the layout background to “Black”, “White” or “Colored”.

These colours can be changed by going to your EAGLE directory, in the “scr” folder and editing the “defaultcolors.scr” file. :wink:

As you can see, there plenty of unused colour boxes - add your own new ones!

thank you!!!

I need to add just this line

set palette 17 0xFFFFFFFF;

where 17 is just the next line, and the FF’s for white.

You’re welcome! :smiley:

You have to agree though, it would be much easier with a palette editor in the control panel…

As you may of noticed, once you set a “new” colour, you can’t get rid of it by simply removing the “set” line from the file and running the script again, the only way to remove it is to set it as something else…

Yes, I forgot to said it we need to run the script.

If someone have a good selection of colors in their palette they can post it here :wink:

So thank you again