eagle silk screen color

Hi all,

I am following the Eagle spark fun tutorial but I came across a problem.

When the tutorial asks me to change layer 21 to a white color, I click on the color box but there is no white color to select. The first two rows are all different colors and the other rows are all grey. No white to be seen.

I thought this was an installation glitch but my other computer has the same problem… Am I blind or something? How do I select other colors?

I am following the Eagle spark fun tutorial but I came across a problem.

Which version of EAGLE are you using?

What is the URL of the tutorial that you’re following?

When the tutorial asks me to change layer 21 to a white color, I click on the color box but there is no white color to select. The first two rows are all different colors and the other rows are all grey. No white to be seen.

I don't think EAGLE will let you do that. The eight

colours you have in the pallete are preset, and

probably don’t include white (which is needed for

the highlight function. Using it for both would make

some details invisible.

From the board editor hit F1 to get help. In the Find

box enter “options” and scroll to “SET”. This will

describe the EAGLE philosophy about colour palettes.