Eagle- connect traces on 2 sided board with vias, not holes?

How can I set Eagle (non commercial version) router to connect traces on double sided board with vias and not using holes of through-hole components? Since I am building my PCBs at home, it is a lot easier to metalize via than hole of through-hole component (soldering DIP socket or LED on both sides of board…).

Regards from Serbia!

You could use…a via?

to give you a little more detail - when routing a trace, change layers and you will get a via.

It helps to go through an eagle tutorial - there are several good ones.

I think he’s trying to do it with the Eagle autorouter.


I know what you’re talking about. Lots of parts can’t be soldered top-side, like a big capacitor or pin header, and the autorouter will by default assume you have plated through holes and route to the unsolderable top side.

While you can’t tell eagle that your holes are not plated, what you can do is put a “tRestrict” box around the part you can’t solder the top of. Select the ‘draw rectangle’ and pick tRestrict in the layers (it’s about halfway down the list).

That said… the autorouter really isn’t all that great. I use it to see what’s possible and to get ideas, but don’t think I’ve ever used it for a board.