eagle ground plane thermals

Im using the new Eagle 5.4 for the first time. Ive been using 4.3 forever till now. When setting my ground plane using the poly tool as I’m used to I use all the standard settings, solid pour, thermals on, orphans off. For some reason the traces connecting to GND pins are very tiny. I cant figure out why.

Pic is what im talking about, really really zoomed in on a GND pad of a cap. The gnd pad is the one on the right.

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Your polygon width is probably set to 0. You need to choose a wider trace, you’ll be able to tell when drawing the polygon edges if you have a trace width or not.

It’s probably due to what macegr said…

Use the info tool and click on the polygon. Under wire - width, change the measurement to something bigger.

Has it worked?

yep that was it! thanks guys!