Eagle newbie questions, drill sizes

This may become a double post, as my first was diverted to the moderators for reasons not understood my me. Anyhow…, a couple of questions.

  1. I’ve looked without success for guidance regarding drill sizes that Phoenix uses. Can anyone point me to that information?

  2. Similar question about clearances around the edge of the board. Can silkscreens run completely to the dimension line?

  3. Eagle 3.0 has a silkscreen layer SILK. I assume that this is for manually place text etc., but there is no mention of it (that I can find) in the doc. Am I missing something

Thanks much

EAGLE v3.0? v5.4 was just released earlier this month.

  1. I think there was a recent post about specified drill sizes and resulting holes recently, but no drill rack info is available.

  2. I don’t know. :wink:

  3. From v4.16r2 at least there’s a top and bottom silkscreen layer. This is where stuff like component outlines that’s meant to go on the eventual silkscreen should go. Stuff like the component names (C1, R2, etc, etc) goes on a top or bottom ‘names’ layer, and when producing the gerber for the final actual silkscreen, both the relevant ‘silk’ and ‘names’ layers need to be included in the CAM job.

There is a minimum drill size, but I’m not sure what it is. I haven’t managed to run into it yet, anyway, so it’s probably nothing to worry about. If I recall, it’s something like 20mils.

I also don’t recall a maximum drill size. I’ve just used whatever was on the Eagle drill sizes menu. No one at BatchPCB has said anything was wrong with the drill sizes I used.