Eagle weird polygon or trace???

I am using eagle 5.11 lite to make a circuit board. I created one of my own components and the package/footprint for it is a MSOP-8 surface mount device. In the part editor, the footprint looks just fine. Upon placing it in my design however, these weird polygon things are placed between a couple of the pads of each chip that uses this footprint (in the top layer). If I just select the chip they can separate, but I can’t delete them or move them. Is this some kind of DRC setting? How can I make this go away?

Just guessing (I don’t use Eagle), they are probably indicating DRC errors. If they don’t appear in the Gerber file they don’t matter, but you could edit the DRC settings.

Ah yes I see now. I thought it was telling me that the clearance was bad because of those shapes. Hmm, well I guess sparkfun’s DRCs don’t apply for MSOP footprints.

Sparkfun’s DRC is for production using the BatchPCB service. Their minimum features are not as small as more expensive services. If you are using another service, then you should be adjusting the DRC rules accordingly.
