Easy Ethernet AVR?

Hi there,

I am starting to learn about Ethernet. I came across a good book (Fred Eday) where he talked about Easy Ethernet AVR hardware. I contacted the maker of this board (http://www.edtp.com/easyw.htm) but unfortunately they are not producing this anymore. Can somebody suggest a similar types of board that uses AVR micros and the codes are writtin in WinAVR? The RS-232 are no more available in new computers. So it is best to learn communication via Ethernet.


www.tuxgraphics.org has some boards that use the ENC28J60

best way to get an AVR on ethernet is using a module that off-loads IP/ICMP/UDP and provides a socket interface for the AVR, such as these $20 and less modules:

http://www.wiznet.co.kr/en/pro02.php?&s … e=1&num=91

This one has 4 sockets. Concurrent. Distributed by Saelig and others. I’ve written the AVR code for RTOS-based session protocols to use with it: HTTP, DHCP, SMTP, etc.

Microchip has a similar one too - single socket as I recall.

Another category: Lantronix modules

these avoid the high complexity of having the IP stack running on the AVR along with the application.

Hi there,


The RS-232 are no more available in new computers.



Yes and no. These days most of us are using USB to RS-232 converters such as the FT232RL module from FTDI to interface with these microcontrollers. The parts are very cheap, common, and easy to connect to an AVR. You can still go the ethernet route if you really want/need to, but it does add a bit of complexity to your final design.