EasyDrive is blinking

Hello i want to ask if the easeDrive v44 is blinking when i add a 12v source and he’s not working is the source high or it should work normally?

There is nothing in the Easydriver circuitry that can flash the LED on the board. Most likely something in your circuit or board connections is shorted to ground and your power supply is in “hiccup” mode trying to protect itself. At this point it’s time to start some basic troubleshooting to figure out where the bad connection is or the bad component that’s causing the problem.

Happy Hunting!


Hello i’m using this code :

#include <AccelStepper.h>

#define DIR_PIN1 2

#define STEP_PIN1 3

#define DIR_PIN2 4

#define STEP_PIN2 5

void setup() {

pinMode(DIR_PIN1, OUTPUT);


pinMode(DIR_PIN2, OUTPUT);



void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

for(int i=0;i<360;i++){

rotateDeg(DIR_PIN1,STEP_PIN1,i, 1);

for(int j=0;j<360;j++){

rotateDeg(DIR_PIN2,STEP_PIN2,j, 1);



//rotateDeg(DIR_PIN1,STEP_PIN1,360, 1);


void rotateDeg(char pin,char stp, float deg, float spd){

int dir = (deg>0)?HIGH: LOW ;


int steps = abs(deg)*(1/0.225);

float useDelay = (1/spd)*70;

for (int i=0; i<steps ;i++){

digitalWrite(stp, HIGH);


digitalWrite(stp, LOW);




and this is my circuit

If someone can help me.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Have you tried it with just one stepper?

yh and still didn’t work

Does the motor vibrate, get warm, or make a noise?

No just the easy drive blink and the black part in the middle of it get warm

This is my circuit and this is my code:

#include <AccelStepper.h>

#define DIR_PIN1 2

#define STEP_PIN1 3

#define DIR_PIN2 4

#define STEP_PIN2 5

void setup() {

pinMode(DIR_PIN1, OUTPUT);


pinMode(DIR_PIN2, OUTPUT);



void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

int i =0;

int j=0


rotateDeg(DIR_PIN1,STEP_PIN1,i, 1);


rotateDeg(DIR_PIN2,STEP_PIN2,j, 1);






void rotateDeg(char pin,char stp, float deg, float spd){

int dir = (deg>0)?HIGH: LOW ;


int steps = abs(deg)*(1/0.225);

float useDelay = (1/spd)*70;

for (int i=0; i<steps ;i++){

digitalWrite(stp, HIGH);


digitalWrite(stp, LOW);




Whats the rating on your power supply?

i have 12v adapter

how can i test if my easydrivers are working or no?

Their is more than one rating for a supply… What’s the amperage rating?

My first question to you is what is the rating of your 12V power supply in terms of Amps or Watts? It’s possible you could be browning out your supply due to the load of 2 stepper motors.

Assuming your power supply is adequate, your first step will be to narrow down what component is causing the problem. To do so, you need to disconnect everything first and then add it back in a controlled manner (one piece or connection at a time) so you can figure out what might be misbehaving.

With everything disconnected:

  1. Connect power to 1 easydriver only and verify that the power light is steady.

  2. Attach the motor to the easydriver and verify that the power light is steady.

  3. Attach the arduino to the easydriver and verify that the power light is steady.

  4. Repeat #1-3 using the 2nd easydriver only.

  5. With everything connected, verify that the power light is steady.

Let us know how far you get before you run into problems.


Same issue is covered in this thread.


Please don’t create multiple topics! Multiple lines of discussion, with bits and pieces of info scattered around the threads, doesn’t help clarity.

Same issue…

Thanks for pointing that out. I moved everything to this thread since it shouldn't have been in the chit-chat forum. The flow is a little disjointed but you can figure out what's going on.


its still blinking i think they are damaged right?

If you haven’t done anything, then it isn’t going to fix itself. How far did you get with my troubleshooting instructions that I posted earlier?


I Connected power to each easydriver only first they blinked and than i reconnected them when i connect the stepper motor

i tested the stepper motors they are working i connectd them to a led and rotated the stepper motor

Think you need to answer the troubleshooting questions phalanx asked, then he will help you further…


  1. When you applied power to the easy driver, did the LED stay on and NOT blink?

  2. If the above answer is yes: When you hooked up the stepper motor and applied power, did the LED stay on and NOT blink?

  3. ect…