ECG wearable electrodes


I study Electrical and Computer Engineering, I’m currently working on my dissertation and my thesis topic is the development of a wearable electrocardiograph. Therefore, I want to design ECG electrodes in a way to be continuously in touch with the skin. Can you provide me with anything of the following products: conductive yarns, needles, conductive fabrics, snap connectors/fasteners, polymeric substrates (for screen printing), polymeric solutions (in order for the fabrics to be coated with them) or even completed ECG textile and non-metallic electrodes? And which would be, in your opinion, the best materials for my project? Please inform me about your available products and their prices, in order to proceed to an order.

Thank you. :smiley:

Hello, and thanks for writing.

Unfortunately I don’t think we carry what you’re going to need to make your own electrodes, but we do carry some [conductive thread. I’m afraid we can’t really help more than that, making your own electrodes is something well beyond our scope of expertise.

We do also carry these [single use electrodes if you’re needing something yo experiment with.](](Conductive Thread Bobbin - 12m (Smooth, Stainless Steel) - DEV-13814 - SparkFun Electronics)