El Escudo Dos Schematic help

I am trying to build my own El Escudo Dos and don’t seem to be able to get it working. Attached is a view of the schematic with labels for where I think I should be connecting things. In addition I cannot figure out the 4th wire that appears to connect to the Triac Z0103MN . My Triac has only three leads.

It looks like we used the SOT 223 version that has a 2nd “T2” output https://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Com … 0103MN.pdf

I’m guessing you’re using https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource … 002268.pdf (or similar); you’d just need to tap into A2 a 2nd time (or whatever the label is for your specific SMD package of the triac)

And then otherwise here’s the guide https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/el … okup-guide for more hookup info

To expand on what TS-Russell said, PIN and TAB are really the same terminal, they are just drawn separate because some packages have a 4th terminal but it’s internally connected to the center pin. See http://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Comp … 0103MN.pdf for a better view.

By center pin do you mean the gate which is the center pin for the device that I have?

Check the data sheet in my previous post.

So put circuit together and it turns on the el wire but does not turn it off. Attached is my circuit . It is supposed to turn off, right?

Does your EL power supply provide AC or DC?

AC 100v 4000 hz.

Think maybe I need to put a pull down resistor on the logic input?

Yeah, give that a try.

Here is my latest effort. Still not working. The el wire does not go off when the logic turns it off. Any thoughts?

Does it stay off until you turn it on, and then it won’t turn off even when you pull the pin low?

If so, there may be some DC on your inverter that the AC is riding on top of. The DC could be keeping the triac stuck on. (Triac needs the zero crossing point where the AC goes negative to turn off.)

Might try a different inverter and see if that helps. If you have a scope, check that the bottom half of your output is crossing through 0 volts and going negative.

Yes the el wire turns on when I power up the inverter and stays on when the pin goes low.

I have a scope and I will look at that. Thanks.

If there is some dc coming through the inverter, can I block that?

Here is what I get.

One other thing. There does not seem to be any change in the voltage coming out of the MOC3063 when the pin changes. Testing the resistance across pins 4 and 6, the resistance changes with change of state on the pin.