EL Escudo Dos (almost) short circuit on AC from inverter" pins


I am using this part and for some reason I am measuring 1.8 kohms between the two pins of the “AC from inverter” input socket. Since I also have a brand new one, that doesn’t show that low a resistance between the two pins, I assume I somehow broke the part.

I had it connected in this way:

I soldered two pins into the holes directly next the AC input, and connected the AC input that way. Then I connected a piece of EL wire to the existing socket, going off the side. Could that have damaged the board?

I am not excluding a mistake, i.e. almost short circuit from soldering, but given that I am measuring a constant 1.8 kohm, I think I can exclude that possibility, can I? Also, the board had been working using this exact configuration, only after using it for some time, the problem started occuring, and I noticed it because all channels would flicker constantly, and/or not lighting up at all anymore, regardless of the input provided on the A-H control pins.

Is there any measurement I could take on the board, besides measuring the pins directly, that would allow me to pin down the issue?

What are you using for an inverter?

Different ones, but they are all operating in about the same spec:

In: 12 VDC

Out: 100 - 120 VAC @ 3 kHz

Note that one of the EL Escudo Dos that I have is apparetnly permanently broken, i.e. I am measuring 1.8 kohm between the “AC from inverter” pins when it is completely disconnected.

Sounds like one of the triacs has developed a fault. It’s probably more trouble than it’s worth to try fixing, you might consider just ordering a replacement. :cry:

Well yes, but I would like to get behind how I could identify the faulty triac, as it happens I have many of those spare, as well as understand how it could have happened, possbily due to short circuits, power spikes or whatever. I already did order replacements, I have a couple more Escudo Dos lying around now.