EM 408 connected to ultimate IMU no GPS output

Hi guys,

I have connected EM-408 to ultimate IMU (SEN-10082), and configured in the hypertermal. All GPS Messages are enabled. the Serial Output Message set to GPS data. The IMU Data output is functional, but there is no GPS Data output.

Could anyone help me with this ?


Here is hyperterminal settings and IMU board config

Port setting:

Bits/s: 9600

Data bits: 8

Parity: None

Stop bits:1

Flow Control: None

Ultimate IMU config

  1. Log sensor data (Disabled)

  2. Log GPS Data (Disabled)

  3. Accelerometer Range (+/-4g)

  4. GPS Messages (GGA,GLL,GSA,GSV,RMC,VTG,)

  5. Calibrate IMU

  6. Sensor Output (Raw)

8 ) Serial Output Messages (GPS Data)