EMG signal saturated when RAW EMG pin connected

I have this MyoWare™ Muscle Sensor (AT-04-001) which is not the latest Myoware 2.0 version. It works well with SIG output pin. But everything seemed to be ruined when connecting the RAW pin to the Arduino. Th SIG red LED kept on, RAW EMG signal was completely saturated and not generating any useful data, the originally working SIG output is also saturated (stay at highest voltage) all the time.

We use this for medical research (so RAW signal is important) where subjects keep moving. So this nice little sensor removes most motion artefact, which is great. But RAW signal looks not working. Could you please look into the problem and provide further suggestions?

Before we completely resolve the problem, we will use SIG pin to continue research. Could you please share what bandpass filter you are using to produce SIG output besides rectify and integration operation?

Connection layout and signal imaging are attached.

Bad signal, RAW pin connected only

https://preview.redd.it/46ze8jxoris81.j … f5066cbbdc

Bad signal, RAW pin and SIG pin both connected. Both saturated.

https://preview.redd.it/cvyw5kxoris81.j … 1f01ef7ad7

Good signal, Only SIG pin connected

https://preview.redd.it/3ytuekxoris81.j … f05f908b5e

Bad signal sample. Both signals saturated. Upper is from SIG pin output, lower is from RAW pin output. Measured with Arduino Nano 33 IOT at 1kHz sampling rate.

https://preview.redd.it/ef029hxoris81.j … 4168442c44

Thanks in advance for anyone who would like to look into the problem.

How is it being powered? The datasheet https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/a/3/a/f/a/AT-04-001.pdf mentions that connecting to grid power may interfere with the signal (VoltageSupply / 2) - try running the unit on a battery or at a different voltage (3.3 or 5v, whichever not used currently)

Also, it might help to cross-post this in the Myoware Reddit thread https://www.reddit.com/r/MyoWare/ :smiley: