Myoware 2.0 sensor not recording signal

Hi everyone, I recently bought a Myoware 2.0 sensor but it doesn’t seem to be recording any signal. I tried using the code from Github in the file called ‘’ but it wouldn’t show up through my Arduino IDE. I have attached a photo of how I set it up for reference. Has anyone else had this problem? How did you fix it or does anyone have any advice on how to set up the sensor for the first time? I want to be able to record EMG signals from one muscle for now. Thanks for any help!

I believe your wires are swapped; move them to match this diagram < … bottom.png>

That looks pretty close; try placing the electrodes more in-line with the bicep…place it in the very center a bit higher up the arm, where the bicep contracts/bulges the most when squeezed (this will be the center of the muscle’s belly). See … are-hookup

Thank you, I tried making sure it was connected properly and on the muscle belly but still no signal. Is there anything else I can try?

"We’re experiencing a similar issue! Currently, we have an external battery connected via Bluetooth, but the signal strength is significantly low in both the raw and rectified output. Moreover, the “envelope” output doesn’t exhibit any variation.

Considering these challenges, we wonder if using a DAC to increase the bit depth to 16 bits would be necessary to improve the situation?

Upon researching forums, it appears that other users have encountered a similar problem with the MyoWare 2.0’s envelope output.

I’ve attempted to seek assistance previously, but unfortunately, haven’t received a response yet. As time is of the essence, I really need to resolve this as soon as possible."