EMI shielding

Hi All,

Thanks for being here.

I need general advice to shield my mega from severe EMI.

The EMI will not change so severe shielding is required.

I’ve got 20pins in use with a 2 bank battery swapper for a 16 coil pulse motor.

Every things works great at 12v motor input but I am going to 48v.

The motor runs fine as I desire at 48v without the swapper.

The MEGA is controlling the swapper

and it usually won’t hold the second cycle at 24v and resets repeatedly.

The swapper works perfectly when the motor is not powered.

metal container?

EMI feed through filters?

shielded pin wires?


Your experience could save me a lot of time and effort.

I’m 80 yrs old this month and the clock is moving.


bro d

Share a photo of your setup if possible.

I’d use a metal container; AKA ‘Faraday cage’

This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M6h1U9jgWs has good demo…you might have success with a shoebox and some aluminum foil

Side note - it might also help to tie the 48v ground to the shielding…not 100% sure, but I’ve seen it on farm equipment and stuff before and is easy enough to test :slight_smile: