Enable Hardware Flow Control @ nRF52832 Breakout

Dear Sparkfun Team,

Could you please let me know if it is possible to enable hardware flow control at nRF52832 Breakout (Rx, Tx, RTS, CTS) to connect it with another external device? In case this is not possible do you have any other microcontroller capable of hardware flow control?



Hi George,

According to the [datasheet for the nRF52832, there is built-in hardware flow control for the UART(E) port. For Bluetooth transmission, I am not sure if there is hardware flow control but I believe, starting at Section 23.7, there is a detailed description of the radio states and the transmit and receive sequences which includes some level of flow control. That may get you pointed in the right direction.](https://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Wireless/Bluetooth/nRF52832_PS_v1.0.pdf)

Thanks Mark!

