ENS160 Stuck in Initial Start-Up phase?

I just bought an ENS160 breakout, and am using the Sparkfun library. When I call [getFlags(), it returns 0 on the first call, but then continually returns 2.

According to the datasheet and the example 1 code, this state of flag 2 should only happen for the first hour of the sensor’s lifetime. My sensor has been on for several days now.

Is this expected behavior? Or do I have a broken sensor?](SparkFun_Indoor_Air_Quality_Sensor-ENS160_Arduino_Library/src/sfe_ens160.cpp at 0328bec7cf9499b51913b8804376ddeea731dad7 · sparkfun/SparkFun_Indoor_Air_Quality_Sensor-ENS160_Arduino_Library · GitHub)

Is it wired over qwiic? Sometimes the combined resistance of the pull-ups, having multiple devices, and/or longer cables can make the sensors return incorrect values (if it is wired over qwiic/i2c, try disabling the pull up resistors here https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … e-overview to see if that helps

Also, have you tried power cycling it to see if it persists?

If neither of those work, it might be a defective board…file for a return if so

It is connected via qwiic, but its the only thing connected, so I need the pullups. Also, all other I2C communication works as expected (meaning I can set the compensation values and read back the same thing), so I’m gonna go ahead and RMA it.