Hi All,
I am having trouble getting the SEN15219 to work properly. I am using all of the materials suggested on the websites hookup guide. A Sparkfun Board, M-M Qwicc Connector, and IC Hooks with PigTails. I have installed the latest library for this sensor from your website as well. I always receive Error 255 Unknown Error.
Any Help would be appreciated.
Can you provide a screenshot of your Serial Output?
Hi Brandon,
Here is a picture of the Serial Monitor and the board configuration. I just noticed that the light (On SEN15219 board) flickered but could not get it to light up again.

Your setup looks good and error 255 is an unknown error which is not too helpful.
I wonder if there might be a continuity issue associated with the qwiic cable or the IC hooks. Happen to have a DMM? Make sure the Redboard USB connector is not getting power and simply probe behind each boards qwiic connector and see if you get a beep.
Hi John,
I just checked with a DMM and there is continuity between the Redboard and SEN15219 sensor.

Hmmm. Have you tried using the i2c function of the Redboard with a different device? Is that working?
I currently don’t have any other devices to test the i2c function. However, I have ordered another SEN-15219 to see if that works.
The replacement sensor worked! I guess the previous one was defective.
Hey again, Kumars.
Awesome! I am glad to hear that the replacement sensor worked.
If you want to private message me with your order ID for the original defective part I can work on seeing what we can do about the faulty SEN-15219.
Cheers, glad to see you can move forward with your project.