Error: 254 with Status: 93 (SEN-15219)

Hi, I have uploaded the codes successfully. However, it couldn’t read my oxygen saturation and heart rate. The status is 93 which I don’t know what is meant. Please help me with this.

P/S: I have checked the connectivity.



Please supply photos of the top and bottom of your board and a photo showing how the board is connected to your Arduino.

Here is my setup

I think this specific Arduino Uno board has the I2c pins located in the bottom left corner near the USB connector. If you flip the board over they should be labelled “SDA” and “SCL”. Try moving your wires from A4 and A5 to those pins and see if that works.

Also, try not to press so hard on the sensor. Light contact should be all that is needed.

Hope this helps.

It’s still doesn’t work. Does that meant the module is spoiled?