Im working with Sensor Max30101 & MAX32664 using arduino uno r3 but when i try to get values a lot of time serial port show
Heartrate: 0
Confidence: 0
Oxygen: 0
Status: 3
My circuit are the following:
MFIO : Digital 5 on arduino uno R3
Rest : Digital 4 on arduino uno R3
GND : GND on arduino uno R3
3v3 : 3v3 on arduino uno R3
SCL : SCL on arduino uno R3
SDA : SDA on arduino uno R3
The code are the following:
#include <SparkFun_Bio_Sensor_Hub_Library.h>
#include <Wire.h>
// Reset pin, MFIO pin
int resPin = 4;
int mfioPin = 5;
// Takes address, reset pin, and MFIO pin.
SparkFun_Bio_Sensor_Hub bioHub(resPin, mfioPin);
bioData body;
// ^^^^^^^^^
// What's this!? This is a type (like int, byte, long) unique to the SparkFun
// Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Monitor. Unlike those other types it holds
// specific information on your heartrate and blood oxygen levels. BioData is
// actually a specific kind of type, known as a "struct".
// You can choose another variable name other than "body", like "blood", or
// "readings", but I chose "body". Using this "body" varible in the
// following way gives us access to the following data:
// body.heartrate - Heartrate
// body.confidence - Confidence in the heartrate value
// body.oxygen - Blood oxygen level
// body.status - Has a finger been sensed?
void setup(){
int result = bioHub.begin();
if (result == 0) // Zero errors!
Serial.println("Sensor started!");
Serial.println("Could not communicate with the sensor!!!");
Serial.println("Configuring Sensor....");
int error = bioHub.configBpm(MODE_ONE); // Configuring just the BPM settings.
if(error == 0){ // Zero errors!
Serial.println("Sensor configured.");
else {
Serial.println("Error configuring sensor.");
Serial.print("Error: ");
// Data lags a bit behind the sensor, if you're finger is on the sensor when
// it's being configured this delay will give some time for the data to catch
// up.
Serial.println("Loading up the buffer with data....");
void loop(){
// Information from the readBpm function will be saved to our "body"
// variable.
body = bioHub.readBpm();
Serial.print("Heartrate: ");
Serial.print("Confidence: ");
Serial.print("Oxygen: ");
Serial.print("Status: ");
// Slow it down or your heart rate will go up trying to keep up
// with the flow of numbers
In a lot of test sometimes shows values but not a lot of time and a few minuts laters only show 0,0,3 again . Could you help me?