Unable to get data from SparkFun Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor

I got a - SparkFun Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor - MAX30101 & MAX32664 (Qwiic) + SparkFun RedBoard (QWIIC) + QWICC cable exactly as mentioned at product page but the sensor is not printing any value and throwing sensor error.

Any suggestions, please.

here is the setup image

20:33:06.962 → Could not communicate with the sensor!!!

20:33:06.962 → Configuring Sensor…

20:33:06.962 → Error configuring sensor.

20:33:06.962 → Error: 127

20:33:06.962 → Loading up the buffer with data…

20:33:10.969 → Heartrate: 0

20:33:10.969 → Confidence: 0

20:33:10.969 → Oxygen: 0

20:33:10.969 → Status: 222

20:33:11.241 → Heartrate: 0

20:33:11.241 → Confidence: 0

20:33:11.241 → Oxygen: 0

20:33:11.241 → Status: 222

20:33:11.513 → Heartrate: 0

20:33:11.513 → Confidence: 0

20:33:11.513 → Oxygen: 0

Hey, when trying to debug anything with I2C, the first thing I try is running this code in it’s own sketch: https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/I2cScanner/

This will scan for any devices connected over I2C and it will print out an address it finds over serial. If no device is found, it is likely a connection/power issue. (Might need to enable pull up resistors on arduino, or install them physically) If you are seeing device found, make sure the address matches what you have in your code. Hope that helps.

From the schematic, it looks like they included pullups on the I2C lines so you shouldn’t need to worry about that.

Definitely try the I2C scanner sketch and see if anything is returned. If nothing, try a different or shorter qwiic cable and see if that returns a device with the I2C scanner.

If you’re still having trouble, use sparkfuns [returns page to request a replacement, I’m sure they will help you out. :-)](Return Policy - SparkFun Electronics)