SparkFun Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor - MAX30101 & MAX32664 (Qwiic) with nodemcu esp8266 and we are getting the error “Status : 16” what does this mean. The attached diagram when used with Arduino, the sensor is working fine. Please let me know if the attached diagram is correct.
Wire – The ESP8266 should work with any I2C sensor you can throw at it – just use the same Wire API calls you’re used to. There are a few differences:
Pin definition: The ESP2866 doesn’t actually have any hardware I2C pins – those labeled on the Thing are the default, but you can actually use any two pins as SDA and SCL. Calling Wire.begin() will assume pins 2 and 14 are SDA and SCL, but you can manually set them to any other pin by calling Wire.begin([SDA], [SCL]).
You will need to modify your existing code to tell wire.begin what pins you’re using for SDA and SCL. If you know anyone familiar with programming, they should be able to assist you with this.