SparkFun Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor not working with Seeeduino

I have a Seeeduino attached to a Qwiic shield which is attached to a the sparkfun pulse oximeter using the IC Hooks and a Qwiic cable (See attachment). I have the board Seeeduino V4(Atmega328P) selected as my board, and I am able to upload the Example1_config_BPM_Mode1. I am using the Arduino IDE which should be compatible with the Seeeduino. In the serial monitor I changed the baud to 115200. I always get this error:

Could not communicate with the sensor!!!

Configuring Sensor…

Error configuring sensor.

Error: 255

Loading up the buffer with data…

Heartrate: 0

Confidence: 0

Oxygen: 0

Status: 110

The Seeeduino is set to 3V3. The sparkfun pulse oximeter does not even light up for my finger. I am not the most familiar with circuit boards and could really use the help to figure out what is wrong.


Make sure you are running the Seeduino @ 3.3v suuply voltage, and run the reset for the sensor after going back through the entire hookup guide here … 1615791300

Best of luck!

Hi, I’ve gone through the hookup guide again and started from scratch. I ended up with the same setup and the same error. The Seeeduino is running on 3.3V. How would I run the reset for the sensor??

Thanks for the help

Hi! Sorry, I reread the example and it had some extra hookups that the guide had not specifically mentioned. For anyone else with this problem. I added IC Hooks connecting SDA → SDA

and SCL → SCL. Thanks for the help!

Also make sure you solder the headers too the Qwiic Shield, they won’t make electrical contact if you don’t.