I’m student in Viet Nam . I rebuilded Joern Kaipf’s OOCDlink-h version 01 as an USB - JTAG Interface and tried to use it with OpenOCD 0.3.0.But I keep getting this error when I type “openocd -f interface\oocdlink.cfg”.I have already used the oocdlink.ept in Joern’s website to program the EEPROM and modified the “ftdiport.inf”,“ftdibus.inf” in FTDI driver obtained from their website but It’s still not working,I’m using windown Vista Business.Could someone help me?
I also used both the driver from OOCD and the driver posted in Joern’s website but it’s still not working!.I tried with the command openocd -d3 -f interface/oocdlink.cfg Windown can recognize my device…I don’t know where the problem is.
Again - You have installed the wrong driver. Believe it or keep searching for other non-existent solutions. The only other possibility is that you have a 64-bit system, and solution for that is much harder…
If you installed ftd2xx driver for a particular device in the past (and you have) than you cannot simply rely on Windows searching libusb-win32 drivers for you. The libusb-win32 driver has to be manually (and I mean REALLY manually - no auto-searching, no searching at all) fed to the installer. Otherwise the installer will search for the drivers, it will find the libusb-win32 drivers, but will install what it thinks suits your system best - the drivers that you’ve just uninstalled - ftd2xx - because that files are not deleted from the system after uninstalling the drivers. If libusb-win32 drivers were successfully installed you’ll see a “LibUSB-Win32” gruop in Device Manager when your JTAG is connected - otherwise you installed ftd2xx drivers again…
Take a look at the txt file accompanying the drivers supplied with OpenOCD for some hints on installation.
I found out the problem that the openocd 0.3.1 didn’t support oocdlinkh.I got the new openocd from Joern Kaip and it also work but there is an error about jtag scan chain. Could you help me.I think that the cfg file i wrote for LPC2148 is incorrect.Could someone give me the configuration file for LPC2148?