Error: unable to open ftdi device: device not found


I’ve installed the following:

-gccfd package

-openocd 0.4.0 from

Question: The LED on the arm-usb-ocd is green when I plug-in the device and it’s also available in windows (7, pro).

But when I run >run>external tools>openOCD I get the following output at the console window; does someone recognize a possible failure?:

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.4.0 (2010-02-22-19:05)

Licensed under GNU GPL v2

For bug reports, read

RCLK - adaptive

jtag_nsrst_delay: 200

jtag_ntrst_delay: 200

trst_and_srst srst_pulls_trst srst_gates_jtag trst_push_pull srst_open_drain

Error: unable to open ftdi device: device not found

Command handler execution failed

I also tried connecting via >telnet localhost 4444 but without a response

Attached my configuration:

[Eclipse\External Tools Configuration]

Main>Location> “…\OpenOCD\0.4.0\bin\openocd.exe”

Arguments>“-f ${project_loc}\armusbocd.cfg”

The file armusbocd.cfg is a concatenation of “…\OpenOCD\0.4.0\interface\arm-usb-ocd.cfg” and “…\OpenOCD\0.4.0\target\lpc2148.cfg”

[Eclipse\Debug Configuration]

GDB Debugger “C:\gccfd\codesourcery-arm-2008q1\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe”

GDB command file

Commands'Initialize’ and ‘Run’ also

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.4.0 (2010-02-22-19:05)

Licensed under GNU GPL v2

For bug reports, read

RCLK - adaptive

jtag_nsrst_delay: 200

jtag_ntrst_delay: 200

trst_and_srst srst_pulls_trst srst_gates_jtag trst_push_pull srst_open_drain

Error: unable to open ftdi device: device not found

Command handler execution failed


This is my problem as well. I have posted in a few other threads about this.

Basically I believe the problem is with one of the following

  1. Use USBview to check your Arm-USB-Tiny for VID and PID. These should be VID 15BA for Olimex supplied part.

The PID will be either 002A or 0003 or 0004 depending batch/revision.

  1. The device_desc must also be correct as OpenOCD and FTDI drivers check that this matches.

Here is a list of desc to try

ft2232_device_desc “Olimex OpenOCD JTAG ARM-USB-TINY-H”

ft2232_device_desc “Olimex OpenOCD JTAG ARM-USB-TINY”

ft2232_device_desc “Olimex”

ft2232_device_desc “Olimex OpenOCD JTAG A”

Olimex OpenOCD JTAG B

“USB Composite Device”

“USB Serial Converter”

“USB Serial Converter A”

“USB Serial Port A”

I have 2 dev. boards LPC-H2888 and I get the same error on both. I am not certain I have the correct description.

Let me know what you find.


To All,

I have found out that Vista and Windows 7 do not behave well with these hardware drivers. What OS are you using?


Hi I’m using Windows 7

Hello ClimbtheWorld,

My condolences! I moved all of my project back to Ubuntu and a Win-32 OS. All the hardware driver issues disappeared. I have dug a little further, the 64-bit Windows OSes do not work well with some hardware drivers. This is the cause of the problem.

Now there is an OpenOCD 0.5.0 dev version being developed for 64-bit OS. I have downloaded it but I have not had time to see if it fixes the driver problems yet.

I suggest if you have access a 32-bit OS then use that. Fastest way to fix your problems.

Otherwise you can try using the 64-bit dev version of OpenOCD (at your own risk).

I may get to checking out the 64-bit OpenOCD this week. If so I will let you know what happens.



Thanks for your posts. I’m using 32Bit Win7 Pro - but there is no way of getting to work that thing… Ordered a USBPROG 3.0 - hope I can get it to work. But if it is a driverproblem… The package should arrive today. Well see, I’ll let you know