Error with Bluetooth Mate/ LilyPad

I am trying to upload Pd_firmware onto my LilyPad with the Bluetooth Mate. I am trying to upload the firmware in Arduino16.

Here is the error I keep getting: Serial port ‘/dev/tty.FireFly-A898-SPP-1’ already in use. Try quiting any programs that may be using it.

I don’t have any other programs running on my computer.

My setup is:

LilyPad ATmega328

Bluetooth Mate

LilyPad Power Supply with AAA battery.

I have the same items you mention in your list, but can’t even get to the point where the BT Mate shows it is connected (green light). I’ve read other posts on the lilypad + BT Mate issues, but can’t get a hyperterminal to connect to the COM port going out to the Mate. Can you indicate any special steps you took to get the connection between your PC and the Mate? (My BT manager says the Firefly device is ready to use, but the green light on it never shows).

Are the leds on the lilyPad(green) and the stat led on the bluetooth(red) on and blinking?

Try holding the reset button the lilyPad while uploading a sketch then release. That seem to get the bluetooth engaged and that is when I got the warning.

I can’t seem to find any info you?

I get that also, but on my pro mini. But if I wait a bit and try again I get the following errors.

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00

avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51

I’ve tried on Mac and Windows and get similar errors. Both recognize the serial port. When I start the upload the green light on bluetooth mate goes on a couple of seconds.

Now I am getting this error. I haven’t changed anything.

avrdude: ser_open(): can’t open device “/dev/tty.FireFly-A8FC-SPP-1”: Resource busy

Any new news? I thinkt he product may be defective. I can’t even receive serial data from the arduino through it.