ESP Lora Gateway not booting connected to powerbanks

Hi everyone,

I have two LoRa Gateways, one booting totally fine when connected to PC or to the Powerbank.

The other is booting fine, when connected to the PC, but not booting, when connected to the powerbank.

As the power bank and USB cable work for the other board, I guess they are not the cause of the problem.

Anyone already experienced this problem or has any idea?

Tmrw I’ll connect an FTDI to see, what he tells me when trying to boot.

Will give an update then. Anyone already got an idea?

Best regards,


Setup is LoRa Gateway => Quiic => ZED-F9P => Quiic => ICM-20948 and also an XBee ist connected to the RTCM Port of the ZED F9P

Hi together,

so I figured out why it didn’t start, but I don’t get it, why this didn’t happened when the PC was connected.

The problem was, that the ESP32 seems to start faster, when connected to a powerbank. In this case the ESP32 was looking for the GPS, but didn’t find it. Now, with a simple delay(10); the problem is solved.

Best regards,
