Hi All,
Doing a unit at Technical college where I need incorporate a power supply that can be fed by a 9 volt battery or a DC power supply (wall wart style), into a microcontroller based Weather station that uses environmental sensors to trigger a range or different functions (like turning on a fan for a set period of time)
Everything else is working fine except for the power supply component of the project. The ESP32 DEV board appears to be receiving the 3.3volts that I have confirmed the power supply is providing, however the only response I seem to get from the board is a dim red led right next to the USB input. Has anyone had any experience with these symptoms before??
Thanks heaps!
You might check to see if you have a short circuit somewhere, that could be loading down your power supply and reducing it’s output voltage.
Author update:
I have investigated this issue further and found that when supplying the Lipo connector input with the expected 3.3volts and measure the 3V3 pin with reference to the GND pin i have only 0.8 volts present.
Also when i measure the VBAT pin (which should be directly connected to the lipo input) i have 1.4 volts.
Has anyone had a similar issue before? Thanks!
As long as you don’t have a dead battery, it definitely sounds like you have a short circuit somewhere. You might try disconnecting everything you have attached to the ESP32 and see if the problem goes away. If it does, start adding things back until the problem returns and that thing you added back is where your problem is.
Ive tried disconnecting the esp32 and adding all of the following loads 2.2k, 10k, 100k, 10M. No change to the voltage measured across the resistor, still 3.3volts.