Hi Sparkfun,
I got my WRL-13287 to work great with my Redboard, connecting to my MQTT Server, and publishing a counter every 15 seconds. Doing this uses 1429 bytes (69%) and anything above about 70-75% I get a warning about stability due to low memory. I have taken out EVERYTHING not needed to accomplish the above.
So I purchase a Redboard Turbo to more memory and Qwiic. I also purchased a couple of Qwiic sensors…
SparkFun GPS Dead Reckoning Breakout - NEO-M8U (Qwiic)
SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout - CCS811/BME280 (Qwiic)
So I was unable to get the WiFi working and found the following…
So in this forum it mentions that the ESP8226 library had to be modified to get communications. What was this modification???
I see that the above topic was closed? Why? Was there any resolution???
I plugged in my ESP8226 and while modifying my code to work with the Redboard Turbo, I checked the ESP8226 and it was EXTREMELY hot as reported in the 52470 topic. I quickly unplugged and hope I did not brick it.
When I try to compile my sketch with the new Redboard Turbo, it complains that SoftwareSerial.h can’t be found.
I thought SoftwareSerial was a thing of the past???
So I thought about buying the SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM.
Can I trade my Redboard Turbo for one of these.??? If so, I live in Fort Collins, CO and would like to drive to Niwot to make the switch. We can set up delivery/pickup details so that no one has to get close.
Please Help…John