ESP8266 Wifi Module to Redboard

Im looking to get some WiFi capability on my original Red Boards and Im wondering if this will be enough or if I need to buy the shield to get wifi. Please advise. Thanks


Hi mrturner14,

You can use either of those boards to add WiFi capability to your RedBoard. If you do use the ESP8266 WiFi Module you will need to level shift the serial connections using something like this [Logic Level Converter in between the RedBoard and the module since the RedBoard runs at 5V and the ESP8266 runs at 3.3V. The WiFi Shield has that circuitry built-in to make it so you can directly plug the shield into 5V Arduinos.](

Can I not use the 3.3V pin to power the module direct from the redboard?

You can and should use the 3.3V pin to power the module but the serial connections need to be shifted since the ESP8266 operates at 3.3V logic and the RedBoard operates at 5V.