I’m fairly new to arduino and to the electronics but have written code for a month or so but decided to venture into the world of IOT. Following along with the The sparkfun Dev thing board hoop-up page, the board is able to create an Access Point (AP) Web Server with no issues. On the other hand once I upload the code and change out the SSID/WifiPSK keys with my own credentials, the boards onboard led light flickers on and off. I tried using the address for the board listed in the description but when that didn’t work I pinged the IP address via the terminal window. Page still fails to load even with the pinged IP address. So for my mac to ping the esp8266 board in the terminal window it has to be connected to the wifi but for some reason it’s not acting right?
this is the hook-up-guide for the esp8266 that I’m following along with: