Unable to connect to wifi using ESP8266 wifi shield

I have followed the hookup guide provided on the product page from sparkfun.

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/es … okup-guide

when using the arduino uno with the shield connected,

I run the sample code in the library and in the monitor it reads -

Press any key to begin.

ESP8266 Shield Present

Mode set to station

Connecting to “(my network name)”

Error connecting

Error: -3

Looping forever.

There was so little that I did to get to this point, so im probably not providing all the information required but im not sure what else is needed to provide assistance.

I have done some extensive research but the product is relativly new and about the only thing I have found was that it needs to connect to a 2.4 ghz wifi signal. which I have tried to connect to using a hotspot (as all other wifi i have access to runs at 5ghZ) (maybe the hotspot is a problem because its not a typical AP?)

Happy to provide any more info