ESP8266 WRL-13678

I have 2 of these that want to use as a UART connection.

After 3 saw cuts to the plastic and removing the center 4 pins it now straddles the center of a bread board just fine. I have found confusing info on the net about which and how to jumper either 1 or up to 3 of the holes to power. Is there an official word on this?

I have not found any example code that uses the AT command set to set them up. As one end is going to be a Raspberry Pi and the other an SAMD21 board a list of which commands and what order would be a big help. I am a retired mechanic and so not good a programming but make do with following and making changes to example code.

The tool chain to program the ESP8266 does not work on an RPi.



Hi Dale.

What pins did you remove? There are pins on both sides of the connector that are needed to use these modules.

Unfortunately we don’t have any example code, but we do link to a tutorial that might be helpful. Here are the links we have:

  • - [[NURDspace Wiki](
  • - [[Instructables Tutorial](
  • - ESP8266 Community Forum
  • - [[AT Command Set](
  • - [[Graphical Datasheet](
  • [/list]](](](](

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    The four pins I removed were 3 gpio 2, 4 chpd, 5 gpio 0, and 6 rst. By making careful cuts the length of the board just through the plastic the 4 center pins can be removed leaving power, gnd, Tx and Rx.

    As I said the tool chain does not work on a Raspberry Pi so I can only use the AT commands. I will look at the instructables page.


    Hi Dale.

    CHPD needs to be pulled high for the module to work. Make sure you have that connected to 3.3 volts along with VCC.

    I used a 1K resister to pull CHPD high and by just scrolling through the Libs in the Arduino IDE found one called ESP8266 AT WebServer. I needed to edit one of the includes because of the serial issue and deleted about 90 lines of stuff that had to do with different boards and expressly defining the serial ports. But it did work. Now I need to figure out how to use it.
