This may be way over your head and I’m checking the forums as well. So my GIS guy sends us .Geojson file with pre done points we need to match. The points are created in EPSG:4326. When I get the file,the Points are in a different location, about 1 meter off. So where I collected is where they have the point at. Sent us instructions with GeoJSON file, ie. Corner of parking lot. We send a .CSV file and when they convert it it shows it moved and not where I collected from. any advise?
There are a lot of things going on in your post.
If your intention is to be able to Locate new features and have them displayed relative to the WGS84 points ( EPSG:4326) from your GIS guy, then that is called “Localization”, or “Site Calibration”.
Performing a Site Calibration will shift everything you collect to match the existing “Control”.
That’s generally performed with various Apps dedicated to the Surveying Industry.
Another method is to move your basemap to the actual location and orientation provided by the Facet, paying close attention to the reference frame of your RTK correction source.
But the question is really… what’s your source of truth?
It’s not the aerial, and probably not the EPSG:4326 points, which is a static system.
It might be worth running through the steps here Accuracy Verification - SparkFun RTK Product Manual
The only problem is that Im in Italy trying to fix some collection data. I don’t speak Italian and trying to find GPS Monuments is difficult.
Do you know why my NTRIP, that’s in SWMaps, keeps connecting and Disconnecting??
My best guess is here: