Fade time doesn't work - WAV Trigger

So its been few days and I really love my WAV Trigger! I manage to integrate buttons and led with it to start track and to indicate which track are playing.

I have been written a code that count the number of track that currently are playing and change the gain for each track based of the number of tracks.

I’m using the function: “wTrig.trackFade(int t, int gain, int time, bool stopFlag)”

It is indeed changing the track gain to whatever value I specify, but the fade time doesn’t work! instead of fading each track to the value I decided, it change the gain immediately! (the section of the ‘wTrig.trackFade’ is at the end lines of the code)

here is my full code:

#include <wavTrigger.h>

/* Arduino Mega Serial port to use: Serial Port 3:
Pin 14: TX
Pin 15: RX

// Buttons //
const int buttonPins[] = {7,3,4,5,6}; //array of buttons pins
const int numOfButtons =  (sizeof(buttonPins) / sizeof(buttonPins[0])); // size of push buttons

// Track Lengths //
// formula for milliseconds =  (minutes * 60 + seconds) * 1000 = milliseconds //
const unsigned long trackLength[] = {71000,57000,65000,60000,85000};

// Leds //
const int ledPins[] ={30,31,32,33,54}; // array of leds pins
const int numOfLeds =  (sizeof(ledPins) / sizeof(ledPins[0])); // size of Leds

// array to store the time when button is pressed //
unsigned long timeButtonPressed[numOfButtons]; 

int counter = 0;

const int fadeTime = 5000;

bool buttonState[numOfButtons];

// WAV Trigger object //
wavTrigger wTrig;            

//track number//
int  gNumTracks;  

// firmware version//
char gWTrigVersion[VERSION_STRING_LEN]; 

//// potentiomer //
//int potPin = A7;
//int potValue = 0;


void setup() {

  // starting a commuincation with the serial port //

  // setting up the digital pins for the buttons to be an input //
  for (int i = 0; i <  numOfButtons; i++)
    pinMode(buttonPins[i], INPUT);

  // setting up the digital pins for the leds to be an output //
  for (int j = 0; j < numOfLeds; j++)
    pinMode(ledPins[j], OUTPUT);

  // intial button state to 0 // 
  for (int i = 0; i < numOfButtons; i++)
    buttonState[i] = 0;

  // intial button pressed time to the length of each audio file // 
  for (int i = 0; i < numOfButtons; i++)
      timeButtonPressed[i] = trackLength[i];

  // WAV Trigger startup at 57600
  // Send a stop-all command and reset the sample-rate offset, in case we have
  // reset while the WAV Trigger was already playing.
  // Enable track reporting from the WAV Trigger
   /* checking bi-directional communication. should be able
   to return the version of the board and number of tracks on the SD card.*/
  if (wTrig.getVersion(gWTrigVersion, VERSION_STRING_LEN))
      gNumTracks = wTrig.getNumTracks();
      Serial.print("Number of tracks = ");
  Serial.print("WAV Trigger response not available\n");
  Serial.print("Num of Buttons: ");
  Serial.print("Num of Leds: ");

  // print the length of each track //
  for (int i = 0;i < numOfButtons; i++)
    Serial.print("The Length of track number ");
    Serial.print(" is: ");
    Serial.println(" Milliseconds");

//------ loop ------//
void loop()
  // set master gain to -12db;
//  // pitch offset //
//  potValue = analogRead(potPin);
//  potValue = map(potValue, 0, 1023, -32767, 32676);
//  wTrig.samplerateOffset(potValue);
  for (int i = 0; i < numOfButtons; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < numOfButtons; j++)
      if (digitalRead(buttonPins[i]) == HIGH)
        if(millis() - timeButtonPressed[i] >= trackLength[i])
         timeButtonPressed[i] = millis(); //storing the time of button pressed
         wTrig.trackPlayPoly(i+1); //play track number i
         Serial.print("Track number ");
         Serial.println(" is playing");
         digitalWrite(ledPins[i],HIGH); // turn on led corresponding to the track that is playing
         buttonState[i] = 1; // store 1 to indicate that the track number i  is currently playing
         counter++; // count how many track playing
         Serial.print("Number of tracks playing: ");
      if (millis() > timeButtonPressed[i] + trackLength[i]) // check if the track number i is finished playing
        digitalWrite(ledPins[i],LOW); // if so - turn off led
        if (millis() > timeButtonPressed[i] + trackLength[i] && buttonState[i] == 1) // check if track number i that finisihed was previusly on
          counter--; // if so - reduce 1 from counting
          buttonState[i] = 0; //store 0 for that button state at track index i
          Serial.print("Track number ");
          Serial.println(" stopped");
          Serial.print("Number of tracks playing: ");
      if (counter == 1)
       wTrig.trackFade(i+1, 0, fadeTime, 0);
      else if (counter >= 2 && counter <=3)
         wTrig.trackFade(i+1, -12, fadeTime, 0);
       else if(counter >= 4 && counter <=5)
         wTrig.trackFade(i+1, -24, fadeTime, 0);
       else if(counter >= 6 && counter <=7)
         wTrig.trackFade(i+1, -18, fadeTime, 0);
      else if(counter >= 8 && counter <=12)
         wTrig.trackFade(i+1, -24, fadeTime, 0);
      else if(counter >= 13 && counter <=14)
         wTrig.trackFade(i+1, -36, fadeTime, 0);

Any help will be much appreciate!


Problem solved.

It is working fine. It was mistake in my code.