Failed to see the messages sent/received by RockBLOCK 9602 in the core rock 7 websites and measured transmission time

Hi, I am trying to sent messages from RockBLOCK 9602 to the satellite. And I received the response back which is 0,9,0,0,0,0. From the AT command document, this means the message is sent successfully. But I can’t find any message information in my core rock 7 website.

So I am wondering if I sent successfully? And if yes, why can’t I find the message in the website? Addtionally, my transmission latency is about 9.9s. Is it normal for the transmission time? And what is the maximum datarate for this board? What I measured is about 209.81 bps. Is it too low?

It’s possible that there is a delay or sync issue between the satellite system and the Rock 7 core website. Wait for some time and try to refresh the page or recheck after a while.


Your screenshot says you have 0 credits remaining. That probably explains why your messages are not visible.

Message transmission takes approximately 15 seconds. You can receive 270 bytes or transmit 340 bytes in a single message.

I hope this helps,

But I bought monthly line rent. So do I need to buy credit too?

I wait for a weeks, but still nothing comes out.


You need both line rental and credits. The unused credits do not expire, they are carried forward into the next line rental period.

It costs credit(s) to send and receive messages, one credit per 50 bytes (or part thereof). Please see the section “Line Rental & Credits” in this document:

Iridium SBD is fantastic. It is very reliable. I’ve used it to track high altitude balloons (30km - 40km) very successfully. But you do need a little experience to understand how the system works and how your credits are used.

I hope this helps,


But why the response from the satellite shows that the message is sent successfully even when I don’t buy credit?



It means the message was sent to the satellite successfully. But it will not appear in your RockBLOCK account unless you buy message credits.

At some point they may block your modem. But, I guess, only once the line rental has expired.

The message costs do build up, if you are sending a lot of messages. But it is a great system. It is very reliable. I have had messages delivered from the South Pole and from units that landed in dense tree canopy.

Best wishes,

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your explain. And I have one more question. The maximum message size is 340 bytes theoretically. But when I tried to send 340 “A” to the satellite, it comes the error which exceeds the maximum size. And I find the maximum size is 121 “A” which is 121 bytes. So I am confused what exactly the maximum size. Or can’t I use 340 “A” to represent 340 bytes?


Hi Wenyuan,

The 120 byte limit applies when you use “AT+SBDWT=message”. To send longer messages: send AT+SBDWT plus Carriage Return, wait for READY, then send the text plus Carriage Return.

Best wishes,

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Thanks a lot!