Failing to upload


I am trying to upload via the Arduino IDE running on Linux (Ubuntu) using the Ambiq bootloader set to the default 921600 baud rate.

Before hitting the upload button, I have followed the suggestions mentioned here to load the board into boot mode correctly. i.e: Hold reset, Hold 14, Remove Reset, Keep holding 14 throughout the upload.

When uploading the micro speech example, towards the end of the upload: The blue LED starts flashing while I am pressing button 14 and then the “failed to upload error” is shown on the Arduino temrinal.

To remove the hassle of working with the Ambiq bootloader, I tried to install SVL. I ran the “burn bootloader” option while holding button 14 but the “failed to upload” error still popped up.

I have tried changing baud rate to the conference one, but that didn’t fix the issue. Any way to fix this?

The issue happens only on Ubuntu.

I have tried using the Ambiq bootloader on Windows and it works. However, running the “burn bootloader” option still does not allow me to use SVL.

No idea what the culprit could be on Ubuntu. Drivers?

Issue fixed, it is indeed the CH341 drivers on Linux.

For anybody else experiencing this, follow the instructions at the bottom of this page: … sorflow/#5