Feasibility with the SparkFun RTK Torch

Here is our situation and what we would like to resolve. We perform various tests with many different types of tech, however, in this particular case we are trying to lay out a specific track on a large blacktop area with cones. Problem is, to lay out this desired curve with its measurements on our blacktop area, it’s taking far too long and is simply too inaccurate. For example, when guided by the cones we’ve placed on the track, we find that due to either human error or the extensive calculations for placement locations being off, the curve is often wonky.

Our current method of setting these tracks right now is by using hand measuring, lasers, and extensive human labor. To do all this ourselves and to continue to have to come back to the center line to measure the next point on this massive curve is far too time consuming. Additionally, we have to wait until dusk to begin even measuring because of the laser. Our company is spending far too much time and effort on something we believe could be done more efficiently using GPS technology.

This being said, does the Torch have the technology to get a very accurate precision (within 6 inches) that could accept .dxf files to plot out our curve on our blacktop through the use of coordinates. Additionally, if we use the Torch, could we set it out for a good amount of time, so it really knows its position and then use that set of coordinates to base everything else off of? We are trying to find a quicker way to place our tracks for testing (we have various orientations) and believe GPS is the way to go. Any help or product recommendations are much appreciated.

This is an excellent application for RTK GNSS. 6 inches is very doable and repeatable. The challenge is the feedback to the end user. The RTK Torch will get you lat/lon/alt on SW Maps, but what you want is a GUI that guides users to and X and have them put a cone there once the RTK Torch is sitting on the X. A GIS software package can probably do this but I’m not familiar enough with them to know if you can import a DXF and overlay that onto a map layer.

Are you near a base station that can provide corrections? If not, you have options:

  • Pay a monthly fee $8 to ~$50 for corrections service (I’m assuming you’re in North America)

  • Setup a 2nd unit near by to be the base. The relative accuracy of the rover will be ~10mm and you don’t pay any monthly fees.

  • We are exploring the use of Galileo E6 corrections. These might get you to 0.2m (7.8inches) without any base or corrections. We’re still testing the Torch for this.

From https://portal.u-blox.com/s/question/0D … ve-forward

@sparky So what would you recommend as a base station then? Do you have any products in mind?

SW Maps has added a StakeOut feature recently, but you could probably just literally “Trace” the track with the GNSS unit.

Confirm your DXF file is in real world coordinates (WGS) and save it as a shapefile or KML.

Assuming the AutoCAD file isn’t drawn w/ real world coordinates- you can always localize it (locate a few control points on the site with the GNSS device and shift the drawing to real location, then export the shapefile)

In SW Map - select ADD LAYER>shapefile.

Then Walk along the path, marking the proposed track as required.

You may even get adequate results without RTK, since I assume the layout could be performed quickly under the same atmospheric conditions throughout the survey mission.

Obviously, a local Base or Network Corrections would be preferred.

North Carolina charges $500 for what we typically see as a free State Network.


In many other States, you would simply connect via NTRIP to the Free RTN and get good results for what you’re doing.

If the precision of the track layout is important, then you’ll want a correction source.

Nearly all (excluding the RTK Express Plus, and any of our breakout boards that use the ZED-F9R) of our RTK products can act as a base station. Here is a list of units that work well in that mode:





As mentioned in other comments, there are also many services out there (RTK2Go, Polaris, PointPerfect) that can supply you with corrections, most will require a subscription (though RTK2Go is free and works very well if you are near one of their stations). The RTK Torch comes with a month of free corrections from PointPerfect, then costs $8/month afterwords; if you choose to use the PointPerfect service, then you will not need a base station or any additional hardware.

As mentioned by rftop and sparky, some of the challenge here is going to be the interface. All of our RTK equipment (and pretty much all RTK products in general) are designed purely to output high quality position information. How you map that, what you overlay with it, is an excercise to you. We recommend SW Maps because it is free and highly stable; it also has the ability to import several types of files.