FFT on Arduino - Wprogram.h

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to utilize a FFT on Arduino and I’m a bit pressed for time and can’t remember how I learned to do an FFT in undergrad, so I’m going to use someone else’s for the time being. I found code on this website (not necessary to read for my question)

http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaB … 1286718155

Anyway, my question is about compiling the code. I get an error like this:

fix_fft.cpp:51: error: ‘prog_int8_t’ does not name a type

on this line of code:

const prog_int8_t Sinewave[N_WAVE-N_WAVE/4] PROGMEM = {

The code goes on to list integer values for a sine wave. The bracket does close. I’ve included fix_fft.h, which includes <WProgram.h>, which supposedly contains prog_int8_t as a type. I’ve never done this type of lower level programming before, so any insight would be appreciated!



Edit: If anyone knows of a better FFT for the Arduino that I can just download and used, that works, too :mrgreen:

I figured it out, I just needed to #include <avr/pgmspace.h>