First Time Qwiic Mux

I have Redboard Qwiic, A Qwiic Mux, and 3 SEN-16476 Micro Pressure sensors (Qwiic). The hookup guide for the sensors say to sever the connections for pull-up resistors if daisy chaining, but what about when the sensors are connected through the Mux? If severing is required, do you do them all?

Question 2

How do I post code?



You cut all except one (usually keep the pull ups on the mux active and disable all the sensors’ pull ups)

Use the ‘full editor & preview’ to see the full formatter for code

Thanks for your help. I believe I have some code that will work. I was getting no output through the mux, hopefully only due to the pull-up resistors.


In the future if I want to reinstate the pull up resistors on the sensors, I should be able to make resistor jumpers from the power terminal to the SCL and SDA terminals on the sensor board, correct?

Yes - that or just put a blob of solder on the i2c pads on the board (to bridge them) to re-enable the on-board ones