Following sparkfun BNO080 guide. Installed library but yet arduino cannot find file or directory.

Following sparkfun BNO080 guide. Installed library but yet arduino cannot find file or directory. I am completely stuck and i havent even started :cry:

Have you tried installing using Arduino Library Manager found under ā€œSketch>Include Library>Manage Librariesā€?

You can find SparkFun libraries and board definitions using JSON tools in the Arduino Preferences settings.

Yes, iā€™ve installed it. still no luck :frowning: Looked everywhere for a fix. tried adding the sparkfun zip file too but that fails to add.

Faulty board?

That issue wouldnā€™t be the board itself. It seems like it is an issue on your software side of things. What version of Arduino IDE are you using?

Using the app version ā€¦

Sorry about the bad quality! I know i must be missing something simple!

Iā€™m unable to view the video, permissions are set to private. Also, the latest stable release of Arduino is [1.8.12. Iā€™m not familiar with the version you are using, so it is highly possible that there are compatibility issues.](

Installed it with installer rather than the app. still no luck there. correct its 1.8.12. ive made the video viewable now

Since youā€™ve installed the SparkFun libraries can you run one of the example sketches under ā€œFile>Examples>SparkFun BNO080 Cortex Based IMUā€?

There isnt SparkFun BNO080 Cortex Based IMU in the examples. if you mean loading the sketch from the library options then no still says no file or destination :confused:

That is bizarre that there arenā€™t any examples since you do have the library installed through Arduinoā€™s Library Manager. The examples show in mine.

You may have to uninstall all BNO080 libraries and files, then reinstall through the Arduino Library Manager. It may even require an re-installation of the Arduino IDE. Unfortunately, this error is on the Arduinoā€™s IDE side. You may also want to visit Arduinoā€™s Support Forum to see if other users have had these kinds of errors.

Finally got past it! i think i had to load them though the exmaple in aurdino and not open the file. Butā€¦ Im now getting ā€œBNO080 not detected at default I2C address. Check your jumpers and the hookup guide. Freezingā€ā€¦ Its a qwick connectā€¦ so i have no idea