Fotobox project pcb


I have made my first arduino shield in Eagle cad, I have tried to remember all i have read online regarding pcb layout and have come up with this.

I hope i have not done too much bad things, and would like some second opinions please.

For reference here is schematics:

All suggestions are welcome.

A decoupling cap and/or a reservoir cap might come in useful :slight_smile:

I cant see the GND signal, but it looks like if its on the bottom (blue) layer its got massive splits in it preventing it getting from one side of the board to the other?

Is there a good continuous path for GND?

And why not put 2 of those resistors on the left of the IC, that will reduce the track lengths considerably, or move the LCD header left and vertical so that the track lengths to the LCD are a lot shorter…

How is the board mounted? (I see no mounting holes).

But hey - looks OK - i’m just being picky lol

Thanks for having a look.

No decoupling is necessary. Ground pour on both top and bottom layer, only a few small spots are not gnd connected.

Lcd connector must be that orientation due to height, cant fold cable.

Its mounted on top of a arduino.

When finished im using superglue, or sumtin.

Thanks again for feedback :slight_smile: